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An Introductory Note:

The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate how BGU, as a primarily online university, can be rebranded to drive and grow enrollment efforts. The contents of this presentation are as follows:

1. Rebranding BGU
2. Marketing Strategy
3. Deliverables
4. Pricing

1: Rebranding BGU

Bethany Global University

Bethany Global University is an anvil where students are forged into resilient disciples of Jesus, ready and able to reach the unreached.

Mission: Forge resilient faith in young believers and equip them to reach the unreached.
Method: Training in biblical literacy, spiritual discipline, and practical skills for global impact.

Redesigning the logo

We need a logo that represents BGU well and sticks in people’s minds. The logo should be modern yet familiar, conveying confidence, strength, and action. Here is our initial concept:


A. Combining elements of the old logo preserves familiarity.
B. A simplified three-letter acronym is memorable and versatile.
C. Integrated letters demonstrate unity and adaptability.
D. A modern angular font conveys strength and durability.
E. A slight upward angle signifies rising to the occasion.

Adding a tagline

Now we need tagline that communicates the ethos of BGU and calls the reader to action. Here is our initial concept:

2: Marketing Strategy

Branded Marketing Campaign

Objective: Enroll more students at BGU.
Strategy: Experiment with messaging and visuals to find the most effective creative.

Campaign Concept

Utilizing elements that reinforce the ethos of BGU and resonate with the target audience(s).

Hand Drawn Font
Evokes a sense of authenticity and action.

Brand Color
Conveys peace and preserves familiarity.

Ripped Texture
Communicates a sense of surrealism and rawness.

Advertising Strategy

Running multiple ad variations will reveal the most effective options to maximize long term results.


Data is one of our most valuable assets. Carefully measuring our marketing efforts will maximize results.


The goal of our initial marketing efforts is to generate clicks resulting in visits to our landing page.

Analysis: The number of clicks indicates the effectiveness of an ad (copy and creative).

Strategy: We will test multiple ads against each other to determine which ad is most effective.

Form Submissions

The landing page should have enough friction to dissuade the wrong audience, and enough lubrication to persuade the target audience.

Analysis: The number of form submissions indicates the effectiveness of the landing page with the target audience.

Strategy: We will test multiple landing pages against each other to determine which landing page is most effective.

Active Commits

The number of active commits indicates at least two things:

First: How well the admissions process meets the expectations set by the marketing.

How effective the admissions deals with objections and obstacles.

3: Deliverables

Expectations and commitments

Setting clear expectations up front will help to have a harmonious and effective partnership.

What we will do

We will manage and deliver the following services:

Manage the BGU brand across all media outlets
Manage Google Ads
Manage Meta Ads (Facebook / Instagram)
Reorganize and reskin the BGU Website
Repurpose ad creative for social posts (1-2 / week)
Develop email nurturing sequence (3-6 emails)
Remain open to adapting this plan as needed

What we need

Your help with the following will be paramount:

Creative Freedom
Constructive Feedback
Regular Communications
Creative Assets (all available photo/video)
Manage admissions (close students)
Facebook Access

4: Pricing

Financial Commitment

Let’s talk about the numbers.

Total Monthly Cost: $5,800

This budget would be allocated as follows:
Ad Spend $3,800* / mo
Our Fee $2,000** / mo

*Split between all campaigns. This ad spend can be scaled back during our testing period, and ramped up on more effective campaigns.
**Our fee has been scaled back in order to give BGU the best chance of success, and we hope to be effective enough to scale up our services as BGU becomes more established.